Total Registrants as of 28 February 2025
A total registrant of 730,562 Bataeños have been registered in the National Identification System Step 2 in the Province of Bataan. Table 1 shows that 85.61% of the provincial target (853,373) is successfully registered in the National Identification System. It is composed of 139,820 who are 0 to 14 years old and 590,742 who are 15 years old and above.
Table 1. Total Registrants in the National Identification System Step 2 by Age Bracket: Bataan, January 2021 to 28 February 2025.

Table 2. Total Registrants in the National Identification System by Target Workload of February 2025.

A total registrant of 2,422 Bataeños have been registered for the month of February 2025 in the National ID Step 2 in the Province of Bataan. Table 2 shows that 168.19% of the target workload for the month of February 2025 (1,440) was successfully registered in the National ID.
Registrants per Municipality
The City of Balanga tops the highest registrants with 110.55% based on the target from 2020 Census of Population and Housing (115,168 registrants out of 104,173 population). In the City of Balanga located the National ID fixed registration center which covers/accommodates the registrants in the whole province of Bataan. Next, the municipality of Orani at 89.61% (63,034 out of 70,342) placing the second highest accomplishment. Then, the municipality of Samal with 89.48% (34,273 out of 38,302). The least reported percentage of accomplishment was Mariveles at 74.57% (111,717 out of 149,809).
Table 3. Total Registrants in the National Identification System Step 2 per Municipality in Bataan, January 2021 to 28 February 2025.

Figure 1. Total Registrants in the National Identification System Step 2 by Municipality: Bataan,

Figure 2. Number of Registrants in the National Identification System Step2 by Month, Bataan January 2024 to February 2025.

The number of registrants slightly increased during the month of February 2025 due to the co-location with DSWD registration and authentication; given that we have 4 operating kits and 4 operators positions in three districts of Bataan and a fixed registration center at the Bunker. Coordination with the Local Government Units (LGUs), Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Bataan and Department of Education Bataan (DepEd) to conduct National ID registration and authentication of National ID Card Number, issuance of ePhilID, and saturation of the area was done this month. PSA Bataan went to far-flung areas to extend the services provided. Furthermore, 3,507 in November, 4,554 in December 2024 and 1,521 in January 2025.
National ID Step 3- Delivery of Philippine ID
Table 4. Delivery Updates as of 28 February 2025.
Concerning the total number of received PhilIDs as per the delivered, there is still a total of ongoing deliveries with 36 PhilIDs. In total, 99.99% delivered and 5,563 return-to-sender endorsements to PSA Regional Office.

National ID Step 3- Issuance of ePhilID
Table 5. ePhilID Accomplishment as of 28 February 2025.
The ePhilID issued in the province up to this month was 1,089 out of 3,820 target ePhilID based on the total number of workload for Step 2 Registration from January to March 2025, the figure is equivalent to 28.51% issued of the target as of January 2025. This table shows that the target output was not yet met in the prescribed period as most of the registrants opted to create Digital ID by themselves rather than visiting registration centers.The registration team continues to serve the Bataeños on the same day issuance of ePhilID after the step 2 registration.

The City of Balanga had the highest numbers issued ePhilID with 210, followed by the municipality of Orion with 178 and municipality of Bagac with 109 and Abucay with 3 issued ePhilID. Other municipalities such as Hermosa, Orani, Samal, Pilar, Orion, Limay, Bagac and Morong had not issued ePhilID due to limited numbers of registration kit based on the workload given by the central office, only four (4) registration kits allowed to operate in the province at prescribed period.
Figure 3. Number of ePhilID Issued in Bataan by Municipality as of February 2025.
The municipality of Mariveles had the highest numbers issued ePhilID with 31,540, followed by the city of Balanga with 31,176 and municipality of Dinalupihan with 22,458. Morong has the least issued ePhilID with 6,575.

Chief Statistical Specialist